What I’ve done in the holidays.

This is my second post, sorry it is a bit late.so in the holidays I went to some beach  apartments in Blackpool and we went on the sand dunes  it was so fun.I went to my sisters party, it Alice in wonderland themed after that we went for an Atalian meal I carbonara for my dinner.thanks for reading!!

D.T project mini chair!!

This is my first blog post, how to make a mini chair. So have a try!

How to make a mini chair!

The mini chair is a chair built to store toys and carry mobile phones and other gadgets. It’s not a very complex design and young ones could make it. The epic chair, which is super cool, is the best chair yet!!


It is made of: wood (however big or small you want your chair to be), screws/nails, wood glue, bolts, material and perseverance.

We will also be using: drill, sewing machine, materials, hammer, saw, sandpaper optional paint or coloring pens.


  • Firstly, attach planks of wood with perpendicular piece of wood.


  • Next, repeat this step.


  • Then, sand all the edges.


  • Now, cut 4 x stable legs.


  • After, attach legs (with nails)


  • Penultimately, decorate chair.


  • Finally, add personalised cushion and carve what you want (optional).